CG launches 996 dampers for 4WD cars
With the aftermarket offerings of damper never quite hitting the mark for clients who are using t…
All change at Center Gravity Headquarters
We have been in the building now for over 14 years, and as demand grows we have taken the decisio…
CG develop and release 993 CGGT series damper
In the early days Chris always said he could see himself working on the 993 more than any other P…
Center Gravity gets a new Website for 2022
It’s finally here! Many thanks to Hot Lobster Design for their patience and hard work in creating…
New booking system at Center Gravity for 2022
From December 2021 we have decided to start taking deposits at the time of booking for our sessio…
January 2022 Annual Porsche Health Clinic
As we couldn’t run our usual Saturday health clinics for Porsche clients last year due to COVID-1…